Summer Theatre Workshops at Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium (Holstebro-DK). #sponsor

Summer Theatre Workshops at Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium (Holstebro-DK)

This summer is full of opportunities to learn, train and connect at Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium. We offer three different residential workshops. If you are interested in more than one, contact for a special offer. Also please reach out, if you have any questions. 


– The Path of Actions – 


“The Path of Actions” is a residential theatre workshop led by Valerio Peroni and Alice Occhiali with a pedagogical and performative aim.

The workshop is also an occasion to meet new possible collaborators for future projects.


The workshop will focus on the study of scenic action: Physical, vocal and inner.


In the first section participants will train and create materials in the working room and in the second section they will adapt the work to open spaces with training in close contact with nature and the adaptation of creative materials to outside places such as woods, beaches, fields, etc.


The aim is to transform unconventional spaces into stages where participants can interact with natural scenography.

From 5 to 20 July 2023 

Deadline May 31. Student discount available 


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– The Dance of Intentions – 

Masterclass with actress and teacher Roberta Carreri. 


Participants work on creating bodily and vocal actions, and how these actions are performed with different qualities of energy. This is done, among other things, through slow-motion movement exercises. Finally, the workshop focuses on vocal training with the body as a sounding board and the relationship between vocal and physical actions.


In this masterclass, the focus is on the individual actor’s presence in the space and in relation to the other actors on stage; on how to be present in the action you are performing and at the same time ready to react.

From 23 July to 5 August 

Deadline June 19. Student discount available.

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– NTL Weeks: Exchange Learn Perform


Three weeks among professional artists and international participants at Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium.

Participate in training, workshops and contribute to a performing arts exchange that reflects and produces theatre across time, traditions, and genre.


ACTHOW is a laboratory workshop platform that encourages artists to engage in new collaborations and artistic constellations. The aim is both verbally and physically to investigate and challenge the question ACTHOW? or, in other words: to ask ourselves how do we act, interact, and react artistically with others and our surroundings?


We encourage artists in all fields of theatre and performing arts to come and share, and receive, knowledge with and from others, and to make work together. There are a few places for participant-observers.

From 11 August to 4 September 2023 

Deadline May 26. Early bird offer until May 31. Students discount available. 


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