Borse di studio per partecipare al Theatertreffen di Berlino

Lo storico festival berlinese seleziona artiste e artisti fino ai 35 anni per un progetto di schoolarship che si terrà dal 2 al 19 maggio 2023. Le persone selezionate assisteranno agli spettacoli e parteciperanno agli incontri internazionali. Il festival si farà carico di viaggio, vitto e alloggio. È richiesta la padronanza della lingua inglese. Deadline al 7 gennaio 2024

Open Call 2024

International Forum

Here you will find all information about the Open Call of the International Forum 2024.

The International Forum is a 18-day scholarship programme of the Theatertreffen in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut and and the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia that promotes young artists from all parts of the world. It sees itself as a field for creative experimentation, a transdisciplinary laboratory and a self-reflective element of the Theatertreffen.

The International Forum’s Open Call is aimed at theatre professionals from all fields. The programme includes the presentation of the invited artists and an exchange of their artistic practices, opportunities to see productions invited to the Theatertreffen in its various formats, attend workshops held by renowned artists, experts and researchers from various disciplines, open space events and discussions on current trends in contemporary art as well as excursions into the diverse cultural landscape of Berlin.

The International Forum will take place between 2 to 20 May 2024.

The participants will receive a scholarship.

Deadline for applications 7 January 2024

Detailled Information as a PDF File

Detailed information about the scholarship programme and applications for the 2024 International Forum can be found here:
InternationalForum: Open Call 2024 (503 KB)

InternationalForum: Application Form 2024 (80 KB)


Berliner Festspiele – Theatertreffen – International Forum
Coordination: Anna Popova
Schaperstraße 24
10719 Berlin

Tel +49 30 254 89 375

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