THE PATH OF ACTIONS – Winter Session- Residential Theatre Workshop at Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium (DK). #sponsor


Residential Theatre Workshop

led by

Valerio Peroni and Alice Occhiali

From 10 to 21 December 2023

at Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium-Odin Teatret( Holstebro-DK)


“The Path of Actions” is a residential theatre workshop with a pedagogical and performative aim.

Focal point of the workshop is the actor’s dramaturgy in its various phases: from training to creation of characters.
The workshop will focus on the study of scenic action: Physical, vocal and inner.
The aim is to provide the tools to properly approach the use of the “pre-expressive” moment of the training as a steppingstone towards the “expressive” dimension that presides over the creation of scenic material.
Each participant will create his/her own character through improvisation and physical composition (rhythms, dynamic qualities, use of objects and scores (sequences) of actions).
The character will be linked to the creative theme “Elsewhere”.
Establishing a bridge with the training, participants will create scores of actions, giving life to small scenes that in the second section of the workshop will be adapted in a short group work in progress presentation.


-First part-
This part includes psycho-physical training of the actor both in groups and as individual exercises inspired by the work of masters of the 20th century theatrical tradition (Konstantin Stanislavskij, Vsevolod Meyerhold, Michael Chekhov, Jacques Lecoq, Jerzy Grotowski and Eugenio Barba).
The work will focus on the study of scenic action: physical, vocal and inner.
Attention will be given especially to the physical action and the study of its three parameters (speed, volume, and intensity).
Every participant will be solicited and helped to express her/himself, through various theatre techniques with a physical approach. Through both individual and group exercises the actors will develop both their attentiveness and stage presence, rediscovering and exploring new creative possibilities of their own bodies, voices and imagination.

-Second part- 
In the “expressive” moment the work will focus on the theme “Elsewhere” as a creative starting point.
The creation of characters will be linked to the theme through elaboration of scores (sequences of actions) related to a text and props.
Participants will choose a monologue linked somehow to the theme proposed. The monologue can be taken from plays from the dramaturgical repertoire or from a poetic text of any author to their own liking.
With all these creative materials, helped and directed by the pedagogues, participants will give life to their own original staging, taking care of each detail, from the creation and composition of the scenic space to the choice of costume and objects used by the character.


The creative materials will be inspired by the theme of the “Elsewhere”.

“Elsewhere”, from Latin “Aliter Ubi”, literally means “different where”, a poetic space where memories and dreams melt together.

Participants will be giving life to characters entrapped and suspended in their own personal “Elsewhere”.

In the creative process the idea is to build this world, giving to the actors the possibility to move inside that space full of archetypes and familiar suggestions.

They will put their own personal images in motion using their bodies and voices in relation with space, objects and music, finding a strong connection to the most intimate thoughts and memories of human beings.

Watching from outside it will be like observing curiously from a window the entire life lived by the unique human beings chosen to inhabit the “Elsewhere”.

Valerio Peroni
He is an actor, theatre pedagogue and director.
He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Performing Arts at Link Academy-European Academy of Dramatic Art-University of Malta. He also earned a Diploma at LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art).
After the graduation he studied theatre with Italian and international masters.
He worked in Italy as an actor in well-known theatre companies and as a pedagogue in professional theatre schools.
In 2013 he moved to Holstebro (DK), where he started his studies with the actors of Odin Teatret.
From 2013 to 2018, he has collaborated with Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium-Odin Teatret.
In 2019 with Alice Occhiali, he founded Váli Theatre Lab, a theatre company, part of Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium-Odin Teatret. Under this name he was involved in production of theatre performances, projects for the community and on the creation and realization of pedagogical projects for children, teenagers and adults.
Since 2023 he is actor, theatre pedagogue and director at Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium-Odin Teatret (Holstebro-DK).
Alice Occhiali
She is an actress, director and theatre pedagogue.
She studied Psychology at the University of Padova (IT) and Science of Education at University of Ferrara (IT).
Simultaneously, she studied modern singing, theatre dance and theatre with Italian and international masters.
She worked many years leading and collaborating several projects of social integration and making art activities for health and social care contexts.
In 2013 she moved to Holstebro (DK), where she started her studies with the actors of Odin Teatret.
From 2013 to 2018 she has collaborated with Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium-Odin Teatret.
In 2019 with Valerio Peroni, she founded Váli Theatre Lab, a theatre company, part of Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium-Odin Teatret. Under this name she was involved in production of theatre performances, projects for the community and on the creation and realization of pedagogical projects for children, teenagers and adults.
From 2023 she is actress, theatre pedagogue and director at Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium-Odin Teatret (Holstebro-DK).


Price list:

  • 4.600 Kr DKK/ approx. 618 € Regular price before 10th November
  • 4.200 Kr DKK/ approx. 564 € Early bird price before 20th October
  • 3.800 Kr DKK/ approx. 510 € Student* / Group discount from same organization/institute before  10th November

*Students need to provide student card or other educational certificate to get the student price

Included in price:

  • Full workshop including work demonstrations, meetings and all activities according to workshop program
  • Access to working spaces and common areas, such as Music room, Library, Archive and Video room
  • Accommodation in shared room, bathroom and showers
  • Kitchen facilities to prepare and eat inducing fridges to keep personal food
  • Access to washing machine

 Not Included:

  • Travel to and from the theatre
  • Food


Background could be actors, theatre students, dancers, performers, musicians, and anyone with a passion and interest in discovering techniques and tools of theatre practice


  • Early bird application before 20th October 2023
  • Regular application before 10th November 2023

Apply by downloading this form email it to  with a photo. No later than November 10.

Selected participants will receive a confirmation email by November 13.

Payment for the workshop is due by November 17.

Practical information:

  • Number of seats: 12
  • Participants will arrive at the theatre on the 10th of December and depart on the 21st of December 2023.
  • The workshop is conducted in English, but the leaders can also communicate in Italian and Spanish
  • All participants will receive an official Certificate of Participation


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