Il coreografo Adriano Bolognino cerca 2 interpreti

Adriano Bolognino cerca due danzatori/trici. Tecnica eccellente per contemporaneo e balletto.  Candidature entro l’8 aprile 2023.

Adriano Bolognino, Italian choreographer, is looking for 2 professional dancers for his new production SAMIA, that will debut in Sweden at the Kungsbacka Teater – Rum för Dans, the 6th October 2023.
The project is co-producted by:
Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza – Körper (IT) // Rum för Dans // Orsolina28 (IT) With the support of: MiC – Ministero della Cultura (IT) // Regione Campania // IIC Colonia // Staatstheater Darmstadt – Hessisches Staatsballett // NID Platform (IT)
It’s required: an excellent contemporary technique and a good ballet technique, a remarkable ability to memorize movement sequences and working on rhythm.
Complete availability during the time of creation and for the tour.
European passport.
This job will be regularly paid as per CCNL.
27 Agosto/ 10 Settembre
25 Settembre/ 5 Ottobre 6 Ottobre World Premiere
To attend the audition send CV, headshot, link video to:
Audition is only on invitation and candidates will receive a confirmation email with all the information about how to attend the audition that will be the 20th April 2023 at ORSOLINA28.
Application deadline: 9th April 2023.
Photo by @pagusarchive

o contattare il numero (+39) 338 205 1200

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