HomeArticoliInternationalSan Vincenti Mediterranean Dance Center in Istria: bando residenze coreografiche

San Vincenti Mediterranean Dance Center in Istria: bando residenze coreografiche

Bando residenze coreografiche e performative in Istria presso il San Vincenti Mediterranean Dance Center. Entro l’8 marzo 2018

Il Mediterranean Dance Center San Vincenti, situato in Istria (Croazia), indice un bando di residenza per artisti (o gruppo di artisti) che lavorano nel campo della danza contemporanea, teatro fisico, performance art e altri generi artistici legati connessi alla danza, finalizzato alla creazione di nuovi progetti.

Da fine aprile a fine novembre 2018, si offre:
– singola residenza normalmente di 7-10 giorni (periodi più lunghi dovranno essere motivati);
– accesso allo studio h 24.(Misure 9 x 20 m; pavimento in legno con la possibilità di utilizzo di un tappeto da danza bianco o nero, impianto ordinari odi luci, armadio, bagno, cucinino);
– verranno garantiti il vitto e l’Alloggio al piano superiore.

ai partecipanti verrà richiesto di:
– provvedere alle spese del viaggio;
– una presentazione aperta alla conclusione del periodo di residenza;
– ulteriori proposte quali tavoli di lavoro o workshop durante il periodo di permanenza saranno ben accette.



If you are an artist (or a group of artists) working within the field/s of contemporary dance, physical theatre, performance art and other cross-over artistic genres connected to dance and you dream about creating a new piece, let us know about it. If you need the time to explore, be inspired by the nature and tranquility of a small Istrian renaissance city of just 180 inhabitants, we want to hear about it.

We are inviting you to apply for a residential stay in Mediterranean Dance Center San Vincenti situated in the heart of Istria region of Croatia!

We invite dance artists with fresh ideas for new projects to apply for residential stay in Mediterranean Dance Center. The deadline for application is March 8th.

What MDC can offer:
– artistic residencies from late April to the end of November 2018
– duration of a single residential stay is normally 7-10 days. If you require a longer stay, this must be argued for in the application.
– during the residency, the chosen artists will live and work in MDC – which means you will have access to the studio 24-7. The studio measures 9 x 20 meters. There is a wooden floor (with the possibility of using black or white dance floor), ordinary working lights (no special equipment), a wardrobe, a sanitary facility, and a kitchenette). MPC will host you at the upper floor, an open-space sleeping area overlooking the studio itself.
– covered food costs during the stay.

If offered a residency, this is what we expect:
– travel expenses must be covered by the artist/group
– an open presentation for the audience at the end of their stay.
Other propositions like round tables or workshops during the stay are also very welcome.

Deadline for applications is March 8th, 2018. APPLY HERE!

For all your inquiries, you can contact us at zagrebdancecompany@gmail.com

Compila l’application form
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