HomeComunicatiA Roma Tre la drammaturgia femminile internazionale

A Roma Tre la drammaturgia femminile internazionale

Giornata Mondiale del Teatro. Pubblichiamo comunicato e programma del convegno internazionale Performing Gender and Violence in Contemporary National and Transnational Contexts


under the auspices of Commissione Nazionale Italiana per l’UNESCO

Performing Gender and Violence in

Contemporary National and

Transnational Contexts

starring women playwrights from Italy and the

English-speaking world

Sala Conferenze “Ignazio Ambrogio”

via del Valco di San Paolo, 19


March 27 – 28, 2014

World Theatre Day was conceived at the World Congress of the UNESCO International Theatre Institute in Vienna (ITI) in 1961. It is celebrated annually on the 27th March. Every year a figure of world stature is invited to pronounce a message on the theme of theatre and a culture of peace. “A long time ago, those in power resolved their intolerance of ‘comedians’ by banishing them from the country. Today, actors and theater companies have trouble finding public spaces, theaters and audiences—everything because of the crisis”: with such daunting words Dario Fo – a playwright, theatre director, actor, composer, and recipient of the 1997 Nobel Prize in Literature – opened 2013 International Theatre Institute’s World Theatre Day Message. This Conference is intended to contribute reflections on the theme of gender and violence and have a number of women playwrights from Italy and English-speaking countries read from works of their own centered on the same theme. The author of the Message of World Theatre Day 2014 is the South African playwright, designer, director and installation maker Brett Bailey.

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